Training at Plymouth Phoenix

Everything you need to know about training with PPTC
What days and times do Plymouth Phoenix train?
Our squad session trains on a Monday 18:00 - 20:00 and our recreational session trains on a Saturday 09:00 - 11:00.
Where do Plymouth Phoenix Train?
YMCA Plymouth, Honicknowel Lane, PL5 3NG. You can find directions to the YMCA on our contact page.
What should I wear to a training session?
You need to wear clothing appropriate for trampolining:
No zips or buttons - These can damage our trampolines or get stuck and cause injury.
No jewellery - Of any kind.
No Earrings - Earrings must be removed or if this is not possible covered with micropore tape.
Shorts or joggers and leggings for girls are fine.
Long sleeved tops/t-shirts may be worn - Grazes are part of trampolining, a long sleeved top may help prevent this.
Clean white socks - Our trampolines are white and we would love them to stay white. Socks must be worn.
Trampoline shoes - These are a personal preference, however they aid in grip and are used by a number of gymnasts.
Leotards and shorts (competition attire) - We support gymnasts who wish to train in their competitive attire.
No head ware - Unless religious, head ware such as hats or hoods may not be worn.
Do I have to compete in competitions if I join Plymouth Phoenix?
No, you can enjoy trampolining without the need to partake in competitions. However Plymouth Phoenix is a competitive club who will encourage and support those members who wish to compete.
Can I come for a trial first to see if I like it?
Of course, we understand trampolining may not be for everyone and you may want to try it out before committing to signing up. Trial sessions can be done as part of our Saturday recreational classes. Simply use the contact section of this website to get in touch and inquire about coming in for a trial. Trial sessions are £5.50
Is trampolining dangerous?
Like with any sport, trampolining can of course be dangerous if not conducted in the proper manner. Our coaching team will instruct children on how to remain safe and will not push them above their ability until they are ready to do so. We also use hand supporting methods within our coaching to allow greater control of a participants learning and to help them remain as safe as possible when learning new skills. We also have qualified first-aiders on site at all times.
Whilst Plymouth Phoenix takes every precaution to ensure its members and participants remain safe whilst training, injury's will still occur from time to time. Participants are reminded that they take part in this sport at their own risk and accept the dangers associated with our sport.
Do I have to pay a club membership?
Yes, if you decide to join after your trial, our club membership is £35.00 per year to be paid on January 1st.
British Gymnastics membership is also required if you sign up. This is for insurance purposes to ensure your child is safe and protected by our sports governing body. Please visit https://www.british-gymnastics.org/memberships to become a member. Recreational membership starts at £20.00 per year.
Plymouth Phoenix members should also be members of the YMCA Plymouth. This can be done at reception and is independent of the club.
How do training fees work and how do I pay them?
An email will be sent at the end of each month with a table (please see below) listing all the training options for your children and their costs for the month just gone. Payment can be made via BACS transfer or made in person by cash or cheque.
Below is an EXAMPLE ofthe payment table that will be sent at the conclusion of each training month. This table is based on there being 4 sessions in that calendar month.
Important information about training fees and payment.
You are responsible for paying the correct amount at the end of each training month. The correct payment amount must be paid in full within 7 days of the payment email being sent. If you are unable to do this for whatever reason you must make the club aware as soon as possible. If payment is not received or you have underpaid your child will NOT be allowed to participate in their training session until payment has been made.
BACS Account details
Plymouth Phoenix TC
Bank Account Number: 00403600
Sort Code: 30-94-58

Plymouth Phoenix Trampoline Club aims to offer quality coaching to all ages at both a grass routes recreational level and a competitive level. Our members are given professional coaching by our coaching team that enables them to get the most from their training sessions.
Our Recreational classes run the British Gymnastics award scheme in which gymnasts can work through the criteria receiving certificates and badges upon the completion of each award. They will start at the beginning of the award structure and work towards harder skills as they progress.
Our Squad sessions allow the gymnasts to have more focused training time that is lead by their coach who will work with each gymnast in order to tailor their sessions, aiming towards a competitive end goal.